In addition to hosting this morning program, I am studying to be a therapist…and on Tuesday mornings I do this thing called Tune Up Tuesday.  It’s where I give you a little nugget you might be able to use to tune up your relationship.  Today – something incredibly simple you can do to make yourself […]

I saw this study that says we are more likely to do a good deed for someone after someone else has been kind or done a good deed for us. Although, someone has to be the first, so why not you? When they asked people, they determined we average doing 5 good deeds a month […]

It’s time for Our Acts of Christmas Kindness challenge. Every day we will have a new way of spreading Christmas cheer to do and make a difference this holiday season. There’s that saying that it’s “better to give than receive” and even though receiving is not too shabby, there are many benefits to giving. There […]

We don’t need more stuff/clutter.  We all need more love and adventures. For three weekends in a row, one of which was Thanksgiving weekend, my family and I went to Rocky Top, Tennessee, St Louis, MO, and to Canton, Ohio to watch my favorite twelve year old play in football tournaments. The weather did not […]

We’ve made it through our countdown to Thanksgiving with our 21 Days of Gratitude – taking time each day to share thanks for someone or something!  I hope this has been a helpful excercise for you – I know it has been for me.  In fact, studies show that people who regularly have an attitude […]

Thanksgiving is almost here and we’ve been taking time each day specifically express gratitude for something or someone different.  On day 20, we express Thanksgiving for giving.  Wrap your brain around that, huh?  We are used to saying “thank you” when we receive something, but have you ever been grateful for your ability to give? […]

Let’s say you’re going to spend some time with family and let’s say there’s some strife… maybe a person you’re not looking forward to seeing.  I’ll be honest – we have some of that in my family.  I’ll share with you, as a therapy student, how I’m planning to handle that in my family.  If you […]

Thanksgiving is almost here and we continue to express gratitude for someone or something each day leading up to Thursday. Today, we express thankfulness for children. Now, if you are a parent, you may have times when you are less thankful for your kids than other days (probably depends on their behavior). But whether you […]

Thanksgiving is getting closer and closer and with that, we are taking the opportunity to express gratitude for something or someone every day leading up to Turkey Day! Today we are expressing gratitude towards one of my favorite things – laughter.  Seriously (or maybe, not-so-seriously) – can you imagine your life without laughter?  Laughing brings […]

Day 15 of our “21 Days of Gratitude.”  Taking time each day to acknowledge a person or an area of life we are thankful for … It’s possible that you might say a little prayer before you eat on Thanksgiving.  It’s possible you pray before you eat all the time. For many this serves as […]