Show Blogs

People usually think of physical stuff first when it comes to the word intimacy, but it turns out there are 5 types of intimacy. Intellectual intimacy — We share our thoughts. Emotional intimacy – We share our feelings. Social intimacy – We share time together and discuss the time we’ve spent apart. Spiritual intimacy – […]

There’s a way we think about relationships that is a problem, quite frankly.  This way of thinking seems to make sense when you’re first dating, but I find that many of us never shift out of it.  I’m talking about a “consumer” approach to a relationship.  Consumerism encourages a me-first attitude.  People don’t want to […]

Have you made plans for where and how you’re going to watch the eclipse?  The how part is basically my way of asking if you have your eclipse glasses yet.  I thought I was being smart.  I saved mine from the last eclipse back in 2017.  Turns out, they expire… so, don’t use your leftovers.  […]

A new study has revealed that Indiana has the second highest amount of trash in its landfills per capita.  The Hoosier state has the second most waste in landfills per capita, with 60.4 tons of waste in landfills per capita, 52.2% more than the national average. Overall, Indiana has 412.5 million tons of waste in […]

Imagine if you did this one thing differently how profoundly different your relationship could be.  It’s something I’m going to invite you to do as soon as you wake up tomorrow.  See if you’re up for the challenge: In addition to hosting The Sean Show on B105.7, Sean Copeland is a licensed mental health therapist.

If you’ve been together for a while, maybe you can remember back to what it was like at the very beginning.  I’m going to give you one ingredient that you can put back into your relationship now to, at least in some ways… bring back that lovin feeling (oh that lovin feeling). Watch below for […]

New research about what makes relationships last and there’s something in here if you’re single too… by way of what you should be looking for if you hope to have a lasting relationship. New research from the University of Alberta finds soulmates aren’t real. Instead, lasting relationships are MADE not found. So, if you’re single […]

Recently came across this new ranking of the best chain restaurant bread!  Top 4… 4) Ruth’s Chris.  Their bread is so good.  It’s simple.  Just a warm crusty loaf with soft butter.  Very good.  And then you can use it to sop up some of the steak butter left behind in your plate.  And when […]

If you’ve ever watched a movie and had a tough time following the storyline, you probably turned it off.  When you don’t understand how things are connected, you lose interest.  You get bored and you often give up trying to understand it all. The same thing can happen in your relationship that’s why CONTEXT is […]

2 local restaurants are offering “food for potholes!” Show a repair bill from anything caused by a pothole within 48 hours of the incident at either Half Liter BBQ or Big Lug Canteen and they’ll give you a free pretzel at Half Liter or a free poutine at Big Lug.  They call it their “Pothole […]