Ahhh 90’s fashion… you gotta love it! Some people love it so much that some of these trends are making a come back. Let’s see how well you remember the names of these 90’s clothing trends. Take the quiz below to find out! https://embed-592938.secondstreetapp.com/Scripts/dist/embed.js Photo Credit: Katya_Havok / Getty Images

Does this look like the picture of a dog who was given a death sentence?   Over a year ago, I was told that my little dog, Sammy, had congestive heart failure and would only live for maybe six more months. That was the day that I decided to feed him regular food … not […]

Tune Up Tuesday.  This is where I give you a little nugget you can use to tune up your relationship.  Not only am I your friendly morning radio host, but I’m also in school to be a therapist.  Today consider this – at the end of the day you may ask your partner… “How was […]