About Eric Allen

I read today that many parents are dealing with a level of anxiety related to having their kids doing school from home, in addition to possibly juggling working from home or finding childcare. If you are stressed on some level, you are not alone. These can be anxious times and while it’s good to be […]

These are stressful times we are living in.  Worries and concerns may be keeping you up at night, too.  And lack of sleep can just contribute to your anxiety. Studies show that even a slight decrease in sleep can trigger elevated anxiety the following day. It’s a vicious cycle. Poor sleep and anxiety are deeply […]

When it comes to the Coronavirus, if you feel worried – that’s okay.  And if you are not worried at all, that’s okay, too.  It’s possible that you don’t agree with either of those sentiments and you know what, that’s okay, too. That’s the things when it comes to your feelings.  They are YOUR feelings.  […]

Recently, I heard part of the story of man who is only one of 25 who attempted to take his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge and surviving. He said the thing he had in common with all the other survivors was that the second he jumped, he regretted.  Thankfully for him, he […]

When you’ve been wronged or hurt, how do you know when you should fight for the relationship and resolve things or to let it go … or in some cases let it go? There’s not a simple answer and there are many angles to this kind of decision.  One thing to consider is the level […]

To worry is to be human.  But worry, never really helps us.  We sometimes think it can or we wear worry like a badge of honor.  Like if you didn’t worry about your kids or your parents, you would be a bad person.  I’m not talking about being detached or that you can’t be concerned.  […]

If you find yourself in a funk and regularly feeling down, there is value in not looking inward at your own problems constantly. Rather, look outward – because just as you can feel down or have a bad day, others around you have the same thing, too.  This is not to minimize your problems or […]

If we are honest, by nature, we are selfish. But we are taught from a young age, not to be selfish – to think of others and not always prioritize your own needs. And while that is true, there are times when it’s not only okay to be selfish, you need to be selfish. In […]