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Did you make your bed today?  I know, I may sound like your mom now. It’s possible you make it everyday or making your bed  might doesn’t seem like that big of deal to you.

But beyond the neatness factor, making your bed can be a very important and valuable thing for you to do.  Most of our days will filled with all sorts of jobs and tasks we need to do.  Sometimes the weight of just thinking about them, can overwhelm us.

Making your bed in the morning can set the tone for your today. In doing that you have already accomplished something.  Even if it seems small, before your day has really begun, you have done something – you have taken care of a task. It creates positive momentum for your day.

If you find yourself regularly feeling unproductive or overwhelmed by everything you need to do, start your day tomorrow with a small, but significant accomplishment of making your bed.

**Eric has his Masters in Counseling and when not on B105.7 works as a private practice counselor.**


Photo Credit: Getty Images/Wavebreak media