IPL Downtown Freedom Fest

With the 4th of July just around the corner, many of us are going to be having barbecues, playing yard games, and of course – watching the fireworks at IPL’s Downtown Freedom Fest!  So are you excited to celebrate Independence Day but still dreading the summer heat? We’ve got some tips and tricks up our flag […]

The IPL Downtown Freedom Fest has become a 4th of July tradition for Hoosiers in central Indiana, and this year as the fireworks light up the downtown sky, it will make a very big milestone for the city of Indianapolis.  2019 will be the 50th year that fireworks are launched from high atop the Regions Tower. […]

We’ve all seen them. We’ve all done them—whether we like to admit it or not. Selfies are a thing. Well although those days aren’t even close to being long gone, the whole idea of selfies needs to take a step back because a “new and improved” photo opportunity has made its way onto the scene—shoefies. […]

Whether you’re at the lake, pool, or joining us for the IPL Downtown Freedom Fest presented by Anthem, there is no question that the 4th of July is bound to be a hot one. Indiana weather, the 8th wonder of the world, is known for being all over the board and you need to be […]

Before Instagram and iPhones, there was MySpace—and with MySpace came selfies. You know, those photos that millenials take of themselves smiling, making funny faces, all for the sole purpose of posting them all over the internet…   Although those days aren’t even close to being long gone, the whole idea of selfies needs to take […]