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Photo Credit: Sean Copeland

My significant other and I are trying to start our own Christmas village.  Both of our families had those growing up… and we bought our first village item this past week – a one room school house. 


We may wait until December 26th to add to our Christmas village, because each item is like $50-bucks… we’re gonna go broke amassing our Christmas village.  So, we have the school house and it came with a catalogue of other items you can put in your village.  Now, when I was a kid we had a blacksmith shop, a church – things like that.  Nope… all of that’s out.  From the 2018 Christmas village catalogue… there’s a coffee shop, a yoga studio, and a food truck…


I’m like some things we don’t need to modernize… I’m totally fine if the 19th century Christmas village, ya know… stays in the 19th century