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I’m actually in school to be a therapist, but sometimes the best relationship lessons are from real life, not a text book, right?  Such is the case here.

Because I’m working on this degree, I get home from work and many days put my face in a laptop until bed time.  A few days ago, Brady the Goldendoodle jumped in my lap and used his paw to push the laptop out of the way so that it was off my lap and he was the only thing there.  He’s never done anything like that before.  And I got the message.  He needed some love, some attention, some affection, and he was communicating that need in the only way he knew how. 

I used to come home and play with him more, but haven’t been doing that as much anymore since starting this degree.  I’m so thankful for him, in his way… reminding me of his needs.  And it’s good for us to remind our partners of our needs too.  Sometimes they get busy or distracted, like I did with Brady.  So, do your version of jumping in their lap and pushing the laptop aside – honey, I want to gently remind you of my need for a date night…. for your help with the laundry… for your undivided attention during dinner… (aka put the phone away). 

A gentle reminder of a need can often make a positive difference.  

Listen Tuesday mornings around 8:15 for Tune Up Tuesday — a little nugget you can use to tune up your relationship each week on B105.7.