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Thanksgiving is less than 3 weeks away, as we continue with our “21 Days of Gratitude” – an opportunity to “give thanks” for something or someone every day leading up to turkey day.

We often will talk about “self-made” people.  These are individuals who often came from difficult or dire circumstances, who maybe lacked certain advantages or help on their way to becoming a success.  The reality is, no is really “self-made.”  We all have people we can point to who taught us, guided us, or invested in us at some point of our lives.

It could be a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, coach or pastor – but who are they people who took time to build into you?

So that’s your Day 2 challenge – take time to think about and thank the people in your life who invested in you.


**Eric has his Masters in Counseling.  When he’s not on B105.7, Eric works as a private practice counselor.**


Photo Credit: Getty Images/digitalskillet