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The countdown to Thanksgiving continues with our “21 Days of Gratitude” – an opportunity to “give thanks” for something or someone every day leading up to turkey day.

Yesterday we talked about being thankful for play – the opportunity to pursue recreation and have fun, regardless of age. Today we are thankful for the opportunity to rest.  We live in a busy world where many are overwhelmed burning the candle at both ends.  But life doesn’t have to be a constant push (and it shouldn’t be). Yes, we have to work and there will always be tasks to get done around the house, but be thankful you don’t have to be on that treadmill 24 hours a day.  Today, make time to rest, relax and be thankful you have that opportunity.

So that’s your Day 4 challenge – take time to rest and think about how grateful you are that you can relax.


**Eric has his Masters in Counseling.  When he’s not on B105.7, he works as a private practice counselor.**


Photo Credit: Getty Images/fizkes