Eric’s Blog

Did you make your bed today?  I know, I may sound like your mom now. It’s possible you make it everyday or making your bed  might doesn’t seem like that big of deal to you. But beyond the neatness factor, making your bed can be a very important and valuable thing for you to do.  […]

Yesterday I heard a friend say how nice it was just to have someone ask, “How are you feeling?”  With so much going on, we have a tendency to share our thoughts and feelings or discuss what’s going on, without giving friends and family an opportunity to share how they are doing. It’s interesting, because […]

Keep the main thing the main thing.  This is a phrase that we use in all sorts of different contexts, but in my counseling work it serves as reminder to focus on the issue at hand.  When there is conflict it is easy to get sidetracked.  To start arguing about other things, often times creating […]

Stress either starts in or ends up in your relationships.  It goes without saying that we are living in an extremely stressful time, which is taking its toll on lives in more ways we realize. Stress depletes our energy that we need to not just function in our day-to-day activities, but energy we need to […]

How good are you at asking for help?  Whether it’s a chore around the house, asking a friend to help you move or reaching out to someone when you are really struggling, there seems to be varying degrees of seeking help and also varying degrees of what we feel comfortable asking help for. If we […]

“Agree to disagree.”  Have you said this?  Better yet, do you really believe it’s possible?  If we could do this in our world it would be amazing, but let’s start with our relationships. When you disagree with a loved one or a friend, do you dig your heels in, get defensive and argue your point?  […]

Back in the 80’s AT&T had an ad campaign with the slogan – “Reach Out and Touch Someone.”  That idea is a no-no these days with social distancing. Seriously, though, the idea behind the commercial was not to physically touch someone, but to pick up the phone and call someone. And more and more of […]

“The thing is not the thing.” You may have heard that phrase before. It refers to how often something may appear one way on the surface, but the problem is something different or deeper. This can apply to our anger. You know those times when you blow up over something that might be relatively minor? […]

If you have felt the strain of being removed from others, you are not alone.  Reports of people struggling with social distancing and staying at home continue to rise. And with Mother’s Day coming up – a day that already is hard for many – the idea of not being with family may be especially […]

Do you think the best of others or assume the worst?  For instance, you text a friend and they don’t respond.  Or maybe they didn’t acknowledge your birthday? Does your mind jump to conclusions that are less than positive? Do you assume they did these things because they didn’t care or were trying to hurt […]