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Tune Up Tuesday!  In addition to hosting mornings on B105.7, I work in the afternoon as a licensed therapist (at Evolve Therapy in Greenwood, IN) and on Tuesday morning I share a nugget that may “tune up” a relationship in your life.

Sometimes it’s nice to slow things down, but the thing you need to always do quickly in your relationships – repair!

That’s the cycle of relationship – rupture and repair… rupture and repair.  We’re imperfect people, so we’re going to make ruptures.  Some of us are quite good at that.  But how good are we at repairing and doing so quickly?  The quicker the repair, the better.  The longer a repair is delayed, the more likely things like bitterness will creep in.  Couples who master the art of the repair have much higher success rates than couples who don’t.

If you need help learning how to make repairs in your relationship, click here.