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In addition to hosting mornings on B105.7, I work in the afternoon as a therapist – at Evolve Therapy in Greenwood, Indiana.

On Tuesday mornings I share a nugget or two you may be able to use to sort of “tune up” your relationship.  This morning – are you looking for the good in your significant other or are you zeroing in on the bad?

Here’s what I have couples I work with do… share three appreciations with your partner each day.  Here’s what happens, it’ll make you feel more connected AND it’ll change the way YOU experience the relationship.  Instead of zeroing in on the bad, or scanning for what’s wrong… if you know you’ve got to come up with three appreciations each day, you’ll start scanning for what’s right.

The simple act of looking for the good can be helpful tool to transform how you see your person and your relationship.