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Tune Up Tuesday!  In addition to hosting this morning show, I work in the afternoon as a therapist at Evolve Therapy in Greenwood, IN.   Tune Up Tuesday is where I’ll give you a nugget you may be able to use to “tune up” a relationship in your life.  This morning – 4 things to avoid when you’re angry:

  1. Invalidating.  Your partner, or whomever you’re angry with has valid feelings that may just be different than yours.  Look for the part of it that makes sense to you
  2. Assuming.  Avoid assuming at all, but especially avoid assuming the worst in the other person.  It may not be that they wanted to hurt you.  It’s not helpful often to go down that road of assuming the worst in their motive.  You can get curious about their motive, but don’t assume.
  3. Escalating.  Nobody needs to pour gas on the fire.
  4. Avoiding.  Yes, avoid avoiding.  Don’t avoid your anger, and when there’s been a rupture in a relationship don’t avoid the repair.  Every relationship has ruptures.  The healthiest relationships have a repair for every rupture.