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In addition to hosting this radio show, I have just completed a degree to become a licensed therapist.  And so, on Tuesday mornings I share some of what I’ve learned with you… for free.  They’re little nuggets you might be able to use to “tune up” your relationship.  Today – It’s one of the most important things in your relationship and yet chances are you and your significant other have probably never talked about it, at least not overtly.

I’m talking about – safety.

People, almost universally want to feel safe in a relationship.  Sometimes this sort of happens automatically, but what if you were more intentional about it?  What if over dinner tonight… or maybe after dinner you take a walk and just say – this guy on the radio invited me to ask you this: What do I do that makes you feel safe in this relationship? And what could I do to make you feel safer?

The answers will run the gamut.  For my fiancé, Andy… his parents were wonderful providers.  And so, me working hard to provide for us makes him feel safe.  For me, my mom didn’t like to do domestic things.  She just didn’t.  And so, I feel really safe when Andy does such things.  But because I know it’s something so important to most of us… a conversation about safety, I believe… is one worth having.