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Here’s the thing with Spring… everyone is going stir-crazy after a long winter of being cooped up inside and cleaning is on the top of everyone’s minds.

All sorts of germs entered your house during cold & flu season, your HVAC has been working around the clock to keep you from freezing (which means dust has undoubtedly piled up in there), and you’re now realizing how much stuff you’ve accumulated this season.

But where do you even start? How can you find time to get your house ready for Spring with your schedule and Spring Break coming up?

Don’t stress about tackling the ENTIRE house right away. Channel your inner-Monica and start with these 3 easy Spring cleaning tips!

FRIENDS show, monica vacuuming her vacuum




YOUR VENTS. Like we said, your HVAC system has been working around the clock this winter. But while you were still layering blankets over you, layers of dust & dirt did too in your vents. If you don’t have them cleaned, you’ll be circulating that same dust & dirt this Spring (and NOBODY with allergies wants THAT)!

You know how we were talking about that time thing? How we don’t have enough of it? Here comes the best part… all you have to do for this is pick up a phone and call Howald Heating, Air Conditioning, & Plumbing. They’ll take care of the rest so your Spring Break is just that… A BREAK.

Talk about an easy transition into Spring cleaning